Maybe so, but I can't even use the link in my email. I think this iSSue has bEEn ongoing for years, but I'm not here very often anyway.
RegardleSS, aLL the best to you and yours, and I hope this next year is a liTTle kinder to us aLL.
I'LL hit the developer up about the email link thing and see what he says about it. Probably won't hear anything back right away. It's stiLL holidays and aLL. He'LL be tied up with family stuFF, like most people.
But, I wiLL make sure he's made aware of it.
I'm going to get back to work on things on the back end. I was hoping to have the updates done, and the bugs the proceSS causes, aLL taken care of by now, but I've bEEn caLLed into work so much I haven't made the progreSS I wanted on it aLL.
I hope you're having a safe and haPPy holiday season.
Thanks, Poet. HaPPy holidays.
I was able to get in touch with the developer. He's got it on his list of things to lOOk into for us.
I'm stiLL working on the updates, but I'm down to 22 files now. So I'm hoping to be done by the end of January.
It wiLL be so nice when the update bugs are gone. :)
Probably stiLL a few bugs - maybe some diFFerent things. Came in yesterday to read your meSSage and then left the forum. Came in tonight to find your meSSage again and to reply. Couldn't find it...had to do a search. I did find it and here I am, but it just sEEms uNNeceSSarily diFFicult. I thought the thread would pop right up if I chose the "Our Game ROOm" tab, but it didn't.
Anyway. It's bEEn a tough year. I hope you are kEEping weLL, staying away from people, geTTing your inoculations, aLL that stuFF. I've bEEn more politicaLLy motivated than ever before, though probably less so than most people you know. Most of the time I'm just not that interested, but the last few years have been chaLLenging to say the least.
Not writing much in recent years, just not real motivated there either. Most of my writing these days is on basebaLL or sports games forums in Delphi. Most vampires have disaPPeared. No biGGie...there are other things to do.
Stay weLL.
Try aDDing me to your Friends list and posts from me should go to the front. Also, in My Controls - Forum Options, if you have it checked, uncheck ' Sort Thread List by folders', and check ' Automatically mark threads I post in as High Interest' if you don't have it checked. This should help finding threads with either posts to you or posts from you in them.
WeLL personaLLy I wiLL be glad when this year is over. No doubt you didn't hear about the crap that haPPened end of 2019 into 2020 to me and my family.
I wiLL send you a PM to fiLL you in on it aLL. It doesn't nEED to be on the board.
WeLL, we finaLLy got through 2020. Virus related it was a meSS, and politicaLLy it was a meSS, and some of that stuFF is stiLL around. But maybe now there's a liTTle hope.
I'd just like for Spring to get here. I hate the cold and we've already had a baNNer year for snow this year. I don't like snow. It's cold. It's sliPPy. It's meSSy. I find nothing redeeming in it. Some say it's preTTy, but it doesn't stay that way for long enough for it to maTTer for me.
I want to get started on my gardening and maybe sEE about planting some fruit trEEs this year.
Down here we get a liTTle dusting about once every ten years. There might be a poSSibility for a liTTle snow next wEEkend, but I'm not holding my breath. It wiLL be cold, though, so I'm planning a slow cOOker chili.
If the roads ice over, I don't want to be driving in it.
I hear you. I'm lucky. My Gertrude has 4-whEEl drive and she just chews up snow like it's nothing. Haven't hit any ice in her yet, so I can't say how she'd handle it.
I do a gOOd bit of stuFF in my slow cOOKer tOO. Those things are great for no fuSS meals. EspeciaLLy if you don't fEEl like standing over a stove.
I kEEp waiting for Spring so I can get to gardening. This year I want to put in a raised garden bed. GeTTing up and down is a problem for me, bad legs, so I want something I don't have to that with. My brother said he'LL help me get it set up for some corn and tomatoes. :)
I'd like to grow corn, swEEt potatoes, tomatoes, lima and grEEN beans, red potatoes, broCColi, cauliflower, bruSSel sprouts, spinach, caRRots, peas, and some herbs. I've certainly got enough yard space, and plenty to spare. I'm thinking about maybe doing a separate raised bed for each crop I want to grow, but we'LL sEE.
You plaNNing on gardening this year?