This geTTing old things reaLLy sucks. I say we don't do it anymore. Are you with me? lol
We'LL just have to start a movement among our generation. No more growing old! lol
LOL You're not kiddin'! I was finally able to get back into Beehive! I had to contact Microsoft and they went in, cleared somethin' out and reset somethin' else. Now I can get here again! Yay!
WeLL it's gOOd tOO sEE you again friend. How has life bEEn treating you this year?
ShOOt! I forgot to capitalize the leTTers in my last post, didn't I?
Capitalizing, lets caLL them game leTTers, just helps draw aTTention to them. Some do it. Some don't. It's not a requirement. :)
StiLL geTTing around ok, DeaNNa? BEEn quite a while.
I hear you. It's bEEn a tough year for a lot of folks it sEEms. Glad to sEE you're stiLL kicking Hon. I'm stiLL vertical. Might not be fast, but I'm stiLL standing. lol
How have you bEEn?
BEEn doing ok, Poet. Same old diFFiculties geTTing here. I can sEE your email notifications but I can't foLLow the link in the email. My best avenue is foLLowing a link found in Delphi at Memoirs of the Drakulya.
Situation normal - a liTTle weird.