Full Moons, Seasons, and Feasts for 2019

From: Si (SIFAN)19 Jan 2019 23:26
To: ALL1 of 1
Full Moons, Seasons, and Feasts
for 2019

Times shown are US Central Time. For Mountain Time, subtract 1 hour; for Pacific Time, subtract 2 hours; for Eastern Time, add 1 hour.

Note: If adding pushes the time to midnight (12:00AM) or past add 1 to the date shown. If subtracting moves the time to before midnight, subtract 1 from the date shown.

Example: Suppose you live in California in the Pacific Time zone; and, the time for a full moon on January 9th is shown as 1:30AM CST. Subtracting 2 hours gives you 11:30PM Pacific Time. Since the time moved from after midnight to before, you subtract 1 from the date. So, for you, the full moon happens on January 8th at 11:30PM PST.

Moon names shown are ones which are fairly popular for full moons falling within the fixed calendar months. There are several traditions which use other names, especially when months are set by lunar cycles.

Seasons, moons, and feasts shown are for the Northern Hemisphere. For the Southern Hemisphere seasons are shifted about six months and so, usually, are feasts as well as full moon names.

20th - Wolf Moon (11:17PM CST)
also Old Moon, Ice Moon, After-Yule Moon


February 19th - Storm Moon (9:55AM CST)
also Hunger Moon, Snow Moon
OSTARA March 20th - Vernal Equinox - Spring begins (4:58PM CDT)

March 20th - Chaste Moon (8:43PM CDT)
also Worm Moon, Crow Moon, Crust Moon, Sugar Moon, Sap Moon

April 19th - Seed Moon (6:13AM CDT)
also Pink Moon, Spring Moon, Egg Moon, Grass Moon, Fish Moon

BELTANE April 30th (beginning at sunset) ... May 1st (before sunrise)

May 18th - Hare Moon (4:12PM CDT)
also Flower Moon, Milk Moon, Corn Planting Moon

June 17th - Strawberry Moon (3:31AM CDT)
also Dyan Moon, Rose Moon, Hot Moon

LITHA ("Midsummer" on the old calendar) June 21st - Summer Solstice - Summer begins (10:54AM CDT)

July 16th - Mead Moon (4:38PM CDT)
also Buck Moon, Hay Moon, Thunder Moon

LAMMAS August 1st

August 15th - Red Moon (7:29AM CDT)
also Grain Moon, Sturgeon Moon, Green Corn Moon, Wyrt Moon

September 13th - Harvest Moon (11:33PM CDT)
also Barley Moon, Corn Moon

MABON September 23rd - Autumnal Equinox - Fall begins (2:50AM CDT)

October 13th - Hunter's Moon (4:08PM CDT)
also Blood Moon, Travel Moon, Dying Grass Moon, sometimes Harvest Moon


November 12th - Frost Moon (7:34AM CST)
also Beaver Moon, Snow Moon

December 11th - Oak Moon (11:12PM CST)
also Cold Moon, Before-Yule Moon, Long Nights Moon

YULE December 21st - Winter Solstice - Winter begins (10:19PM CST)


Light Weaver: Full and New Moon dates and times
Traditional Full Moon Names
Time and Date: Equinoxes and Solstices

Old Farmer's Almanac
Wiki: Wheel of the Year

US Naval Observatory