Chewy Crossed Over

From: DeannaG15 Oct 2019 17:33
To: ALL1 of 2
Our precious Chewy at 16 has left us behind and crossed over this day. His little life had become a misery with all his health issues. We had to finally allow him final peace. No matter how much it hurt to let him go. I hope he finds a special and happy place with those we've loved and lost before, and knows how very much he will always be loved and missed.



From: DeannaG24 Oct 2019 19:42
To: ALL2 of 2
This is what we've done for our little Chewy. My phone takes crappy pics, but at least you can see everything. He has Azaleas on one side and Rose of Sharon, Roses, and a Maple tree on the other side. They were all here when we bought the house. He has all the sun and shade his little spirit could ever ask for in the next life.
