Favorite Creature Feature

From: DeannaG17 Mar 2017 21:40
To: ALL1 of 2

What is your favorite creature feature

Vampire: 2 Votes (18.18%)
Werewolf: 2 Votes (18.18%)
Ghoul: 0 Votes (0.00%)
Dragon: 2 Votes (18.18%)
Flesh Eating Bacteria: 0 Votes (0.00%)
Zombie: 1 Votes (9.09%)
Slime Monster: 0 Votes (0.00%)
Goblin: 0 Votes (0.00%)
Orc: 0 Votes (0.00%)
Troll: 0 Votes (0.00%)
Demon: 1 Votes (9.09%)
The Devil: 0 Votes (0.00%)
Mutant: 0 Votes (0.00%)
Aliens: 2 Votes (18.18%)
Ghosts/Poltergeist: 1 Votes (9.09%)
Other...share it with us.: 0 Votes (0.00%)
3 users and no guests have voted.
From: DeannaG17 Mar 2017 21:40
To: ALL2 of 2
I've watched so many creature features in my lifetime, it's sometimes hard to remember all the different types. My favorites always seem to be the ones where the creature is somewhat human in appearance. Sometimes almost like they could be human, but not quite.

I've always been fond of vamps and zombies the most.