I've been sayin' that for years too. Unfortunately, everyone's tryin' their darnedest to destroy us. COVID-19, pollution, skyrocketing prices, obesity, and SO much more. All I can say is nature will find a way, and...
We need a good old fashion zombie apocalypse. If that don't sort things out, nothing ever will.
I might survive. I might not, but at least I wouldn't get chewed on for being pathetically stupid, like some of the characters I see in some the movies. They spend way too much time being sentimental and bawling like their diaper is wet.
Oh, not me. I'd die a slow, horrible death bein' 'et up like an ol' pork bone. I haven't ran since high school and my only chance would be if I never ran outta bullets. LOL
I'm not a runner either. Old arthritis has completely chewed up my legs, but my brain is good. Given the chance, I think I could outsmart a zombie. Get up high somewhere and keep quiet. Let them pass and move on to noisier prey. If they don't see or hear me, might give me a chance. Could even try camouflage. Make yourself up to look like one of them, then play act your way to safety. Just hope some fool with a gun doesn't shoot you.
I may not be fast, but I don't think that will right me off completely. Young people think they have all the advantages, until they start yelling and drawing attention to themselves. Being older tends to mean fewer freaks out, at least from what I've seen with the people I know. We old folks tend to take a minute and try to think things through better.
The charismatic but otherwise underqualified person(s) who attempts to to seize control and create an empire for themselves amidst the confusion.
They make a series of 'calculated risks', and they cull those individuals they feel 'have no place in the new world', but they inadvertently cull those individuals who merely piss them off or who they have the most difficult time getting along with. The community is momentarily reassured, continues to drink the underqualified Leader's guidance kool-aid, and blame - as instructed to - those who were culled for any hardships the community (or communities) may endure.
But eventually, after the body count has reached staggering highs, people realize all too late that they placed their lot in with the wrong leader(s) and had a hand in what might eventually prove the end of mankind.
Insert "Five Stages of Grief" (and all the drama that ensues from everybody going through it and most handling it poorly), and in the end they die off, giving way to those individuals who found a way to resolve their differences without destroying themselves from the inside out.