DVD Collection

From: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE) 2 May 2022 22:14
To: DeannaG 1 of 7
In response to DVD Collection (Because I couldn't reply to the thread)

Wow! I'm almost up there with ya. I've never actually counted all of mine, but I did catalogue them a long time ago. LOL I sell my DVDs as I get them on Vudu, so if there's any ya need/want once I've got them on the cloud, hit me up!

From: DeannaG 5 May 2022 15:43
To: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE) 2 of 7
I'm the same way with DVDs as I am books. I like to actually have the DVD itself. If I can't actually find it in physical format, if I really want to see it, I'll watch it online, but otherwise I prefer to have a physical copy.

I'm the same with books. I prefer to have the book in my hand. For some reason I just love holding the book, turning the pages, the feel and smell of it.

I had to create an index so I wouldn't end up with a bunch of repeats. I get annoyed when that happens. Like when I get something that has a bunch of movies in it and find out I already have most of them. One or two, not so bad, but over half annoys me. I do have some repeats from buying such sets, but not many. The index helps keep me straight. :)
From: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE)31 Aug 2022 02:27
To: DeannaG 3 of 7
LOL Sorry it took me so long to respond. I was promoted at work, and it's been takin' up all my time and energy learnin' my new position and tryin' to rake some semblance of order into it.

I love movies, I just don't love all the space they take. LOL Hence why I like to have them on VUDU. I'm not that way with my books though. I also love the feel of a real book in my hands, the smell of the musty paper, the black of the ink rubbin' off on my fingers as I turn the pages. ;) So I hear ya!

I also have an E-Bay addiction, which fed my addiction to Breyer unicorns, pegasus, and fantasy horses. XD They take up quite a bit of room as well.
From: DeannaG 2 Sep 2022 18:16
To: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE) 4 of 7
No worries. We're trying to keep a 8 people department operating with 4 at this time. We're all hoping they get some extra bodies in here, especially considering our most senior staffer is fixing to retire.

Great for overtime, lousy for having a life.

Mine is currently up to 1774 since starting this thread. Every paycheck I get myself a little treat of one sort or another, usually some more DVDs, but occasionally other stuff.
From: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE)23 Jul 2023 22:49
To: DeannaG 5 of 7
Hey D!

It's been forever since I've been in. Life took some unexpected turns. My apologies.

Did you know that the email that's sent out to recover a password doesn't take you to recover your password? LOL

It just takes you to the list of forums.

Also, I keep getting reply errors for other folks forums. Maybe it's because they're view only folders?
From: DeannaG25 Jul 2023 13:32
To: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE) 6 of 7
I'll look into it. Which forums are giving you the errors?

Been pulling a lot of overtime, since we're still short staffed. Really cutting into my online time.

Good to see you.

Hope everything is good for you.
From: Mountain Rose (MTN_ROSE) 4 Sep 23:08
To: DeannaG 7 of 7
This one was, but it looks like I can get into the messages now. It told me I had 2 messages responded to in here, but it wouldn't link me to them directly and I couldn't view them much less respond. :(

There was another of yours, but I don't remember which one. It's been a while. LOL