Interesting Times In History

From: DeannaG 5 Apr 2017 04:21
To: ALL1 of 1
624 B.C.  Birth of Thales
610 B.C. Tales predicts solar eclipse
585 B.C.  Birth of Anaximander
580 B.C.  Birth of Anaximenes
575 B.C.  Lao-tzu
570 B.C.  Birth of Pythagoras - Birth of Xenophanes
562 B.C.  Birth of Buddha
551 B.C.  Birth of Confucius
545 B.C.  Death of Thales - Death of Anaximander
540 B.C.  Birth of Heraclitus
515 B.C.  Birth of Parmenides
508 B.C.  Founding of Rome
500 B.C.  Birth of Anaxagoras - Death of Anaximenes
495 B.C.  Birth of Empedocies - Birth of Sophocles - Death of Pythagoras
490 B.C.  Battle of Marathon - Birth of Zeno the Eleatic - Birth of Portagoras
483 B.C.  Death of Buddha - Birth of Gorgias
480 B.C.  Death of Heraclitus
479 B.C.  Death of Confucius
478 B.C.  Death of Xenophanes
470 B.C.  Birth of Socrates
460 B.C.  Birth of Democritus
450 B.C.  Death of Parmenides
438 B.C.  Parthenon built in Athens
435 B.C.  Death of Empedocies
431 B.C.  Beginning of the Peloponnesian War
430 B.C.  Death of Zeno the Eleatic
428 B.C.  Birth of Plato - Death of Anaxagoras
420 B.C.  Death of Portagoras
406 B.C.  Death of Sophocles
404 B.C.  End of Peloponnesian War
399 B.C.  Trial of Socrates - Death of Socrates
388 B.C.  Plato founds the Academy
384 B.C.  Birth of Aristotle
375 B.C.  Death of Gorgias
360 B.C.  Birth of Pyrrho - Death of Democritus
348 B.C.  Death of Plato
341 B.C.  Birth of Epicurus
336 B.C.  Birth of Zeno the Stoic
334 B.C.  Aristotle founds the Lyceum
323 B.C.  Death of Alexander the Great
322 B.C.  Death of Aristotle
306 B.C.  Epicurus opens schools in Athens
301 B.C.  Zeno opens his school at the Stoa
270 B.C.  Death of Pyrrho - Death of Epicurus
264 B.C.  Death of Zeno the Stoic
200-128 B.C.  Rome conquers the Greek world.
49-44 B.C.  Caesar is Emperor of Rome
4 B.C.- 30 A.D.  Jesus Christ
50 A.D.  Birth of Epictetus
70 A.D.  Romans destroy Temple in Jerusalem
121 A.D.  Birth of Marcus Aurelius
138 A.D.  Death of Epictetus
180 A.D.  Death of Marcus Aurelius
205 A.D.  Birth of Plontinus
270 A.D.  Death of Plotinus
354 A.D.  Birth of Saint Augustine
392 A.D.  Theodosius I makes Christianity the state religion of Rome
430 A.D.  Death of Saint Augustine
476 A.D.  Fall of the Roman Empire in the West
480 A.D.  Birth of Boethius
524 A.D.  Death of Boethius
570 A.D.  Birth of Muhammad
632 A.D.  Death of Muhammad
810 A.D.  Birth of John Scotus Erigena
877 A.D.  Death of John Scotus Erigena
1066 A.D.  William the Conqueror conquers England
1096 A.D.  Start of the Crusades
1160 A.D.  University of Paris founded
1167 A.D.  Oxford University founded
1209 A.D.  Cambridge University founded
1225 A.D.  Birth of St. Thomas Aquinas
1274 A.D.  Death of St. Thomas Aquinas
1347-1351 A.D.  The Black Death ravages Europe
1445 A.D.  Johann Gutenberg invents the printing press
1452 A.D.  Birth of Leonardo Da Vinci
1517 A.D.  Death of Leonardo Da Vinci
1596 A.D.  Birth of Rene Descartes
1623 A.D.  Birth of Blaise Pascal
1632 A.D.  Birth of Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza - Birth of John Locke
1642 A.D.  Birth of Sir Isaac Newton
1646 A.D.  Birth of Gottfried Leibniz
1650 A.D.  Death of Rene Descartes
1662 A.D.  Death of Blaise Pascal
1677 A.D.  Death of Benedict (Baruch) Spinoza
1685 A.D.  Birth of George Berkeley - Birth of Johann Sebastian Bach
1687 A.D.  Publication of Principia Mathematica
1689 A.D.  Two Treatises on Government
1694 A.D.  Birth of Voltaire
1704 A.D.  Death of John Locke
1711 A.D.  Birth of David Hume
1712 A.D.  Birth of Jean Jacques Rousseau
1716 A.D.  Death of Gottfried Leibniz
1723 A.D.  Birth of Adam Smith
1724 A.D.  Birth of Immanuel Kant
1727 A.D.  Death of Sir Isaac Newton
1729 A.D.  Birth of Edmund Burke
1748 A.D.  Birth of Jeremy Bentham
1750 A.D.  Death of Johann Sebastian Bach
1753 A.D.  Death of George Berkeley
1756 A.D.  Birth of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
1759 A.D.  Birth of Mary Wollstonecraft - Candide
1770 A.D.  Birth of George W.F.Hegel  Birth of Ludwig Von Beethoven
1775 A.D.  American Revolution begins
1776 A.D.  Death of David Hume - The Wealth of Nations - American colonists proclaim their independents from England
1778 A.D.  Death of Jean Jacques Rousseau - Death of Voltaire
1781 A.D.  Critique of Pure Reason
1783 A.D.  End of the American Revolution
1788 A.D.  Birth of Arthur Schopenhauer
1789 A.D.  French Revolution begins
1790 A.D.  Death of Adam Smith - Industrial Revolution in England
1791 A.D.  Death of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
1792 A.D.  End of the French Revolution
1797 A.D.  Death of Edmund Burke - Death of Mary Wollstonecraft
1798 A.D.  Birth of Auguste Comte
1804 A.D.  Death of Immanuel Kant - Napoleon crowns himself Emperor of France
1806 A.D.  Birth of John Stuart Mill
1809 A.D.  Birth of Charles Darwin
1813 A.D.  Birth of Soren Kierkegaard - Birth of Richard Wagner
1818 A.D.  Birth of Karl Marx
1820 A.D.  Birth of Friedrich Engels
1827 A.D.  Death of Ludwig Von Beethoven
1830 A.D.  Second French Revolution
1831 A.D.  Death of George W.F.Hegel
1832 A.D  Death of Jeremy Bentham
1839 A.D.  Birth of Charles S. Pierce - Opium War in China
1842 A.D.  Birth of William James
1844 A.D.  Birth of Friedrich Nietzsche
1848 A.D.  Birth of Gottlob Frege - The Communist Manifesto - Italian Revolution
1855 A.D.  Death of Soren Kierkegaard
1856 A.D.  Birth of Sigmund Freud
1857 A.D.  Death of Auguste Comte
1859 A.D.  Birth of Edmund Husseri - Birth of Henri Bergson - Birth of John Dewey
On Liberty - Darwin’s Origin of the Species
1860 A.D.  Death of Arthur Schopenhauer
1861 A.D.  Birth of Alfred North Whitehead - American Civil War begins
1865 A.D.  American Civil War ends
1870 A.D.  Bismark unites Germany
1875 A.D.  Birth of C.G. Jung
1873 A.D.  Death of John Stuart Mill
1881 A.D.  Birth of Pablo Picasso
1882 A.D.  Birth of James Joyce - Birth of Virginia Woolf - Death of Charles Darwin
1883 A.D.  Death of Karl Marx - Death of Richard Wagner
1895 A.D.  Death of Friedrich Engels
1899 A.D.  The Dreyfus Affair (France)
1900 A.D.  Death of of Friedrich Nietzsche
1905 A.D.  Albert Einstein presents the Theory of Relativity
1910 A.D.  Death of William James
1914 A.D.  Death of Charles S. Pierce - World War I begins
1917 A.D.  Russian Communist Revolution
1918 A.D.  World War I ends
1919 A.D.  Gandhi begins his crusade for Indian Independence
1922 A.D.  Joseph Staliin becomes General Secretary of the Communist Party
1925 A.D.  Death of Gottlob Frege
1929 A.D.  The Great Depression - Stock Market Crashes
1936 A.D.  Spanish Civil War begins
1938 A.D.  Death of Edmund Husseri
1939 A.D.  Spanish Civil War ends - World War II begins - Death of Sigmund Freud
1941 A.D.  Death of Henri Bergson - Death of James Joyce - Death of Virginia Woolf
1945 A.D.  World War II ends - Atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima August 6
1947 A.D.  India gains independence - Death of Alfred North Whitehead
1949 A.D.  Israel becomes a nation - The People’s Republic of China under Mao Tse-tung is established
1950 A.D.  Korean War begins
1952 A.D.  Korean War ends - Death of John Dewey
1953 A.D.  Crick and Watson identify the structure of DNA
1961 A.D.  Death of C.G. Jung
1962 A.D.  Cuban Missile Crisis
1963 A.D.  Assassination of President John F. Kennedy - Vietnam War begins
1968 A.D.  Assassination of Martin Luther King
1972 A.D.  Vietnam War ends.
1973 A.D.  Death of Pablo Picasso
1991 A.D.  Fall of the Soviet Union
1994 A.D.  Apartheid ends in South Africa

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