Deanna's Vacation

From: DeannaG15 Jul 11:31
To: ALL1 of 1
Well I've been on paid vacation this past week and go back to work Wednesday night. This was my first ever vacation from a job where I wasn't out for being sick, or some other unpleasant reason so I couldn't enjoy the time off.

I got to spend some time with my girls, grandkids, and other family and friends, without being worried about work.

I spent enough time on Warcraft that one of my Warcraft friends actually asked me if I got fired. lol I explained I'm on vacation and trying to see if I can get the Dragon Isles Pathfinder finally finished. Personally, I'm of the opinion, that if it's a dragon, it should be able to fly in the Dragon Isles. Shouldn't matter where you got it.

I've also started classes to become a Professional Medical Coder and Professional Medical Biller. After I get these first two certifications, I'm going to work on getting others. Woman I talked to said the more certifications I have the more valuable and attractive job-wise I will be, and the more companies will be willing to pay me for my services. So, after I get these first two certificates, I'm going after as many as I can get. I'm looking forward to working at home. Legs are bad in the Winter. A work at home position would help alot with that for me.

Anyhow, I just wanted to check in and let everyone know I'm doing okay. I'm not dead. Just been working alot, until the past week. Now I'm just enjoying some down time before I have to go back.

You guys all take care of yourselves and watch that heat. (((((((((((HUGE-HUGS-TO-ALL!)))))))))))))