I removed your images so your personal information isn't sticking out there all naked and such.
You won't find any of that from the web side, which is what you're looking at when you go to the work site address and log into the forums from the front end. It's just like when you log into these forums. You're coming in at the front end.
What you need to do is use your FTP client and the FTP login information you have to log into the back end. If you need a FTP client, CoffeeCup.com has a really good client for free. It's what I use. It works great.
In the right frame of the below image is what you see when you connect using your FTP information and client. You can download any of the styles there to use as a template, edit it on your computer and then upload the renamed folder and style into the system's styles folder.
The work site system's styles folder is what you're connecting to and those are the styles currently in it. You can even make a folder for the style you're creating.
Personally, I usually download a style, rename it, then edit it to create a new style. It's easier and faster. If you do it this way, remember to rename the folder and to edit the desc.txt file.
The desc.txt file content is what shows on the drop down lists where people set their style preferences in the forums. Otherwise you won't know which of the two listed in the drop down is actually your style when you log into the forums to view your progress.
Does this help any Hon?