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We do not allow adult content or illegal websites to advertise on BeehiveForum.US. If your site or products are not suitable for all age groups and legal, they cannot be advertised here. All advertisements must follow the BeehiveForum.US Terms Of Service.

How things work:

Advertisers may make use of text links and various sized banners for advertising purposes on BeehiveForum.US. Advertisements are displayed in rotations. Each rotation holds 20 slots. Each slot shows for 30 seconds every 10 minutes. This means each ad an advertiser has in the rotation shows every 10 minutes for 30 seconds, 24/7. Advertising slots are limited and rented on a first come first serve basis.

Advertising Space Yearly Rates: In US Dollars.

Webpage placement:

Text link with up to 50 characters is $25 for one year. (2 webpages)
Banner Space 90px wide by 35px high $25 for a year.
Banner space 120px wide by 60px high $50 for a year.
Banner space 468px wide by 60px high $75 for a year.
Banner space 729px wide by 90px high $100 for a year.
Banner space 250px wide by 250px high $125 for a year.

Forums/Subsites Systems Header Rotation Placement:

Banner space 120px wide by 60px high $50 for a year.
Banner Space 234px wide by 60px high $75 for a year.
Banner space 468px wide by 60px high $100 for a year.

To see about ad space, contact us here -> Advertising Inquiry

The revenue these advertisements generate helps to support the free for use services provided by BeehiveForum.US.

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